Monday, February 12, 2007

Decline in Bustopia's Work Ethic

I am having problems with the other citizens of Bustopia; they seem to want to spend less and less time recording each busride. They always say "I don't feel like it, maybe later." I suspect they are becoming disillusioned because they think that we aren't accomplishing anything. But I know for a fact that we have at least two listeners (Ida and Ben), and I assume (optimistically) that we have a few more.

So, I'd like all you fans to flood this post with encouraging comments, so I can print them out and renew my fellow citizens' faith in this project. I've set the blog up so that you don't need Google registration to comment. So tell us how much you love the show and what you would like to hear on the show and why we should continue to work diligently on the show.



Anonymous said...

I just subscribed to your podcast.

Anonymous said...

Not bad, pretty funny. :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha the second episode is hilarious!

Azeltir said...

You guys should take it form Strong Bad's wall: No Loafing!

Although I haven't gotten around to #2, I will soon, and the first one was very entertaining. It was almost as if I was on 823 myself! And those, of course, are always good times.

Don't stop.
